Communication Strategies: Definition And Types

Communication strategies are a business tool that helps the organization align its overall objectives with a marketing plan. When well planned, they build trust, reinforce corporate culture, and even set priorities.
The design of communication strategies must help the organization define, elaborate, and launch its messages by any means and towards all types of interlocutors effectively.
The influence of this strategy on the fulfillment of organizational goals is significant. Therefore, it is worth knowing what types of communication strategies exist, what their keys are, how to propose a brand’s communication strategy and how to do it online.
Table of Contents
What Are Communication Strategies?
Communication strategies are specifically designed to help the organization convey its message effectively and meet core business objectives. A company’s communication strategy must be adjusted to the press / public relations plans, web strategies, and marketing plans. It is essential that it is inspired by the mission and articulated based on clearly stated goals, milestones, and tactics.
The communication strategy responds to the marketing strategy and deals with the details, while the former focuses on a broader perspective. The first is necessary to create the business’s image and, therefore, is closely linked to the tactic.
Communication Strategies: Types
Although there are many different types of communication strategies, Today, the most common is to include them in two types:
- Online communication strategies: blogs and social media are the two focuses of attention that companies in this environment focus on.
- Offline communication strategies: they are considered the most traditional and have to do with networking and the participation and organization of events.
Both kinds of communication strategies tend to intertwine and complement each other, finding points of union that help bring greater coherence to the message that the brand tries to convey to its audience.
There are no better or worse communication strategies, but everything is relative. When choosing them, you must attend to:
- The business objectives.
- The goals are defined in the communication plan.
- The target audience and their characteristics, habits, and preferences.
The Keys To An Effective Communication Strategy
The preparation of the interlocutors, the communication training of those in charge of preparing the plan, or the choice of the most appropriate means to send the messages are factors that can increase the effectiveness of communication strategies. Still, all of them, we must add four essential keys:
- Consider communication as a priority in the organization. Both internally and externally, communication helps keep your business up to date, gain alignment, discover new opportunities and reduce risk.
- To be honest, Today, anyone has sufficient means and information available at their fingertips to contrast any info. Hiding data, embellishing reality excessively, or, worse, lying can be detrimental to the company. Tell the truth
- Get to know the audience. Communication in the workplace can sometimes seem challenging and frustrating, especially when the communication preferences of others are unknown. The same happens from the outside, and therefore, understanding how we are all connected increases the effectiveness of any strategy.
- Pay attention to non-verbal communication. Although in the online environment it is not always necessary to take into account this aspect of communication in the strategy, it would only apply to the case of webinars, videoconference meetings, or the publication of videos on the Internet; In these cases and the offline world, it must be borne in mind that, depending on the study consulted, between 65% and 95% of a message is received non-verbally.
Communication Strategies Of A Brand
A strong brand identity isn’t just a powerful logo or tagline. In reality, it is the people who work for the business, their values, spirit, strengths, and experience that manage to capture the audience’s attention and occupy a place in their minds.
Therefore, to achieve a solid brand presence, it will be necessary to attend to the clients’ needs effectively and, at the same time, develop an effective communication strategy that allows to maintain it.
Online Communication Strategies
Online communication strategies are profitable, since with a much lower investment than in any traditional communication strategy, a much greater reach can be achieved, something that affects the results.
In addition, there are currently a variety of tools, both free and paid, that allow you to exploit the full potential of communication strategies in the online environment.
In this area, artificial intelligence, machine learning, and cognitive computing are opening up new avenues to optimize communications, a field that is only suitable for digitally mature companies and that seek to incorporate new capabilities into their communication strategies.
Communication strategy: real cases to be inspired by
The public’s attitude towards a company depends mainly on external stimuli such as advertising, word of mouth, or the impact of its corporate image.
Hence the importance of a company’s communication strategy, which may not be partial or sectorized, requires a transversal application if the desired impact is to be generated among the target audience.
Formulation of objectives, internal management system, and design of supports and methods are the essential elements for applying an effective communication strategy, which can be internal, external, or of both types.
How to make a communication strategy effective and impactful? What aspects should be taken into account? Who can we take note of?
Examples Of Communication Strategy
Here are examples of communication strategies that have been successful:
1. Queensland Tourist Office (Australia)
In 2009, the Queensland state government set out to boost tourism to the Australian Northeast. As a first action, he published an advertisement in the employment section of one of the national newspapers with the phrase: ‘ The best job in the world. ‘Reinforced with a solid public relations campaign and effective use of social networks, the communication strategy showed as the principal balance that more than 34,000 people signed up for the job application, which was, ultimately, nothing more than an excellent way to position the state of Queensland nationally and internationally. The number of tourists has multiplied since then.
2. FedEx (United States):
It was born in the 1970s when the shipping and delivery of packages were revolutionary in American society. His early years were difficult. Companies and customers were in favor of using conventional mail channels. Then its directors devised an intense campaign of media presence on television, radio, and press. Its director, Fred Smith, insisted on this new courier service’s facilities to the commercial sector. It took two years before the benefits started to show. Today, FedEx has more than 90,000 delivery vehicles and more than 300,000 employees in various countries worldwide.
Tips For A Good Communication Strategy
A winning communication strategy begins with a commitment to innovation and continuous improvement. Reading the latest communication news, implementing the best practices in the industry, and staying attentive to the plans and messages that give the best results is the basis for staying up-to-date and always one step ahead of the competition, both in terms of product branding, as concerning the employer brand.
Effects of good communication strategies and consequences of poor communication strategies. The impact of poor communication in the workplace can be felt across the board, even leading to external issues affecting customers. Employees feel disconnected without clear direction from management on an individual level, leading to low satisfaction, engagement, and performance. Increased turnover and absenteeism are not long in coming, and conflicts may also appear, and the work environment deteriorates.
On the contrary, fluid and adequate communication reinforce the values ​​on which the culture is based and positively impacts the employer brand. Errors and confusion are minimized, and a positive work environment is built, ultimately benefiting customers and partners.
Remember that a good communication strategy should include an analysis section that helps determine what success looks like and allows you to recognize when objectives have been met.
In this section, it is necessary to indicate the means and instruments available to carry out this analysis. These could be simple measures, such as the number of responses to e-newsletters or website visits. They could focus on policy changes s, for example, have the critical objectives of a campaign been achieved? It could also include media coverage measures in volume, width, and depth. How often were the urgent messages mentioned? Have you noticed a change in the public’s attitude about the issues you have been campaigning for?
It is always a good idea to include different stages, levels, or milestones in this section, as this will make it easier to measure the strategy’s progress, once applied, towards the ultimate objectives.
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