How To Stop Procrastinating?

Procrastinate, what a complicated word and how difficult it is to avoid it … Do you want to know the foolproof tricks to ward off that temptation that prevents you from carrying out your tasks? We have the keys, and we are going to share them with you. Read on and learn how to stop procrastinating and achieve your goals once and for all.

What Is Procrastination?

Procrastination is and putting aside specific tasks to do them at another time. Getting a little organized, we would say that it is the action of postponing or postponing, resulting from occupying your time with other tasks.

Why Do We Procrastinate?

Experts say that procrastinating, far from being a reflection of laziness, is a self-protective strategy and that there are four reasons why people procrastinate:

  • There is no motivation.
  • Insecurity paralyzes: “I’ll do it tomorrow. I’m sure I can think of a way to achieve it.”
  • Perfection is sought: “if I do it, I do it well. If not, I don’t.”
  • Overconfidence creates the illusion that it can be quickly resolved at “any time.”

Procrastinator Cycle

The procrastinator cycle has three components: Action – Distraction – Awareness. You start the pending task, but you make any of the excuses mentioned above to postpone it until another time. When that moment arrives, you prepare to do the task, but something distracts you and makes you put it off again until you feel guilty for not doing it, so you start over.

How To Avoid Procrastination?

Avoiding procrastination primarily requires willpower. If you are reading this, if you have come this far in the article, it is because you would love to find a magic recipe against procrastination, and, sadly, it does not exist! However, there are certain things you can do:

  • Become aware of the situation and set priorities.
  • Change your perspective: do not try to take care of everything at once. Divide it into smaller and more manageable tasks.
  • Plan and set deadlines that, of course, you must meet.
  • Commit and take it seriously.
  • Being able to identify when you are getting distracted: it is usually that moment in which you pick up the mobile phone, in which the relaxing music ends up being a song that you sing at the top of your lungs or in which that query in Google has you watching the networks one hour.
  • Keep in mind the reward of your work, that is, the reasons that lead you to do it, will motivate you.
  • Learn to manage time.

Anti-Procrastination Routine

Routine usually has a very negative connotation. However, when studying or working, it is essential to prevent certain habits that are harmful to our performance from getting in the way.

Of course, the perfect work or study routine must be established individually, taking into account each person’s circumstances, characteristics, and needs. Still, as an example, we want to expose you to some guidelines that could come in handy when establishing your own.

Mental Organization

To carry out specific tasks, it is necessary to have a good mental state, and this can only be achieved if:

  • You remove from your mind everything that has nothing to do with the activity you are about to engage in. Concentration is vital, and, therefore, if there are concerns that hinder your productivity, you must block them.
  • You say goodbye to multitasking, or what is the same, you forget the idea of ​​multitasking and take care of only one thing at a time.
  • You manage your time correctly to get to everything and meet the objectives in an organized way.

Material Organization

Our environment (physically speaking) also influences us enormously, so you must have all the necessary elements to face your work or study day before starting to do it. Make sure the location is appropriate: a quiet, well-lit room that allows you to work comfortably.  

Motivation Search

Suppose lack of motivation is one of the reasons you tend to procrastinate. You need to find something to motivate you and help you avoid this bad habit. How to do it? The answer is: it depends.

Each person finds their motivation differently. The first thing to do is put the tasks and goals you have into perspective to know why you are doing what you are doing. Do not lose sight of the main focus of your activities: what are you going to achieve doing that task that gets you so stuck?

On the other hand, it is essential to know yourself and what kind of motivation you need. Some people get active with sports, and others do it with a simple shower … Find what wakes you up and, once your mind is evident and ready to start, do it! Say no to excuses and get to work.

Stop Insecurity With The Proper Training

Although insecurity is often due to the terrible “impostor syndrome,” on many occasions, it is due to the lack of control caused by ignorance.

Let’s say, for example, that your goal is to undertake. You have the business idea in your head, and you don’t stop talking to your immediate environment about the possibilities, but you never take the step! Think carefully about the reasons for stopping and solve it by training and expanding your knowledge.

Goodbye To Perfectionism And Overconfidence

Perfectionism and overconfidence are two sides of the same coin. Both are guilty of wasting your time and not tackling your tasks, and while they seem to be doing it from a very different perspective, they’re pretty much the same thing: a person practicing self-sabotage on the way to their goals.

Banish the idea that you must achieve perfection and not allow that false belief to prevent you from moving forward. The path is made by walking.Procrastinating with the idea that you can easily do it at any other time is not good either, as, as you know, stress and lack of time come.

In summary, to avoid falling into the circle of procrastination, you must be clear about your final goal, correctly manage your space and time and train yourself to have in your hand all the necessary knowledge to become an expert. 

Also Read: 9 Study Techniques To Be A Crack

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