What Are The Advantages And Disadvantages Of Telecommuting?

For years, more and more companies and workers have chosen telecommuting to work since it is one of the options most valued by workers today.

New technologies allow us to enjoy this option, which is necessary in current times (family conciliation, labor flexibility, health crisis, etc …).

Advantages Of Teleworking

What are the benefits of teleworking? In addition, from the obvious, we are going to make a list:

  • Greater reconciliation and flexibility
  • Time savings on commuting
  • Saving money for the worker by not having to travel to the office and the company by having smaller facilities and a much lower maintenance cost (electricity consumption, heating, water, cleaning, data, etc …).
  • Increase in productivity, since the work will be mainly for objectives.
  • Pollution reduction.
  • Talent retention and attraction of the best-prepared employees.
  • Reduction of work absenteeism.
  • More minor personnel conflicts in the company.
  • Less stress for workers.
  • Greater autonomy for workers, since they have the freedom to organize their work time, they can decorate their workspace to their liking, they should not go to the office keeping the company’s “dress code,” and so on.
  • The “presenteeism” of companies is eliminated.
  • It will improve the opinion of the worker regarding the company.
  • It allows integrating people with disabilities. People who have difficulties traveling to the workplace may have the opportunity to work with teleworking.
  • Avoid the spread of certain diseases in the workplace.

Disadvantages Of Telecommuting

  • Sometimes it is not easy to disconnect, so it is highly recommended to have a specific space inside the house for work – a “mini-office” – and set schedules.
  • A sedentary lifestyle can lead to health problems.
  • The worker could identify less with the company. The employee may feel detached from the company by working remotely, with a lesser sense of belonging. It also makes it challenging to do teamwork.
  • The worker has less information about the company’s day-to-day and has less collaboration with the rest of the colleagues.
  • There can be conflicts with the family, especially when there is much work or stress.
  • Some expenses are generated for the worker, by staying longer at home, the electricity consumption and heating or air conditioning increase.

Once we have explained the advantages and disadvantages of teleworking, we can comment on other essential aspects in this regard.

Is It Mandatory Or Voluntary?

Teleworking is voluntary for the worker and the company. Teleworking must be registered in the agreement. If not, it must be regulated in writing, either at the time of hiring or later, since there will only be reciprocal obligation at the time of signing the contract.

What Rights Does A Person Who Is Teleworking Have?

A teleworker has the same rights as a worker who performs his workday in the company’s workplace, except for those rights directly linked to the performance of the work activity in person in the company itself.

  • Right to receive training.
  • Right to receive information about job vacancies.
  • Right to be protected in security and health surveillance, as we comment later.
  • Collective representation rights, since they are at a work center of the company.

Work Teams

The company must equip, install and maintain the employee with the necessary equipment to carry out teleworking. All these means that the company provides must be recorded in writing.

This always applies logic. For example, the most normal thing is that the worker already has the internet at home, so hiring a new connection will not be necessary. What is usually done in these cases so that everyone wins, for example, share that expense.

Prevention Of Occupational Hazards In Teleworking

There are no specific regulations that regulate this specialty. However, the maxim remains in this area “The company is responsible for protecting the health and professional safety of the worker” and therefore of the teleworker. “

The company must inform the teleworker about the policy regarding health and safety at work, particularly the requirements regarding display screens.

To ensure compliance, the workers’ representatives and the competent authorities have access to the teleworking place within the limits of the legislation and national Collective Agreements. The teleworker has the right to request inspection visits.

It is possible that to know the occupational risks that occur in the workplace that has been assigned to it within the home, the workplace should be evaluated, permanently preserving the privacy of the teleworker. The teleworker can deny entry to complete this risk assessment but should record this.

Also Read: Home Office-From Temporary To Transformation

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