Why Be On Social Media?

Being on social media means integrating a large community of users of the new information and communication technology.
This option makes it possible to better communicate, express oneself, share, educate oneself, learn, educate… Lately, social media have contributed to a good visibility of companies and improves relations with their customers.
In this era of digital transformation , they become essential to be able to inform or stay informed at any time and anywhere. Today, social media occupies a significant place in the world of entrepreneurship, the media, education, communication. indeed, in almost all fields.
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What Is Social Media?
Social media has also been known by the term web 2.0 which opposes the initial phase of the web including 1.0. The latter concerns classic websites that have no relationship with the user.
Indeed, social media covers tools such as social networks, blogs, forum. Thanks to these tools, users will be able to react to information by commenting on it. They can thus like a post with the famous “like” for facebook, click on “+1” on Google +. The mode of appreciation is different from one social media to another.
Furthermore, the users (Internet users) themselves can also create information. They will then be able to broadcast them, rebroadcast them while sharing it with other communities. This process makes that through the Internet, the Net surfers are at the same time a party and major actors of information by supporting more dialogues.
On the business side, social media can be tools for developing an internal communication strategy.
Understand The Difference Between Social Media And Social Networks
Social media or social networks? Even regular internet users still find it difficult to distinguish between the two terms. Even less among the general public who consider that the two terms are used in the same way. In any case, finding the right definition is still a matter of many discussions among specialists.
Social Media
The term social media has a relatively broad dimension and includes tools for which it is not necessary to create a profile. This is for example the case of blogs; you can comment even without any profile. The same is true for wikis like Wikipedia.
Indeed, it is on the term “media” that the definition of social media is based, which implies the creation and dissemination of interesting content on social networks. Short messages are often used, usually containing links that redirect to other online information.
Social Networks
We are often tempted to consider that social networks and social media are only parts of a whole. Indeed, social networks are made up of interactive tools whose access to all the features requires prior registration and the creation of a user profile.
The emphasis is therefore placed on the term network on which the profile that has just been created seeks to link a relationship and establish direct contact with a community of users. The best known social networks are Twitter, Facebook, Pinterest, Google+, LinkedIn, Instagram, Viadeo, Flickr, YouTube, Dailymotion.
Also Read: What Should Entrepreneurs Know About Social Media?